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Discover your inner peace
and the source of your power and sovereignty

through yoga, meditation and the Feel-Flow-Fade method

Here you will find:

yoga, meditation
and very practical tool that will give you inner peace, serenity and sovereignty
into your own hands.

Do you know that too?

Feelings and external circumstances control you,

rob you of inner peace

And worst of all, do you sometimes behave in a way that you would rather not?

Because inner peace is like a stone,

which circles in the water.

Far beyond yourself.

Learn how Feel-Flow-Fade
helps to free you from worries, anger, rage, sadness, fear and guilt without having to deal with the cause of these feelings.
No more thinking, pondering, analyzing! And yet dissolve the feeling!

Free instructions for the perfect meditation seat

A good meditation is one that connects us with the peace within us in an easy, effortless way. A good seat is a prerequisite for this. Here you can find a 

The perfect seat, meditation seat
Yoga and Meditation on Ischia

The first step
to inner peace

Free Meditations
for your lucky deposit

Sensitively guided to the source of strength, confidence and inner peace.

Enjoy, relax , experience peace.

Just click and try it out!

spotify PodcastLink
Audible Podcast Link
Apple Podcast Link
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guided meditation course "Paths to Inner Peace"

10 Wege zum inneren Frieden

meditation course with personal online support

The teacher at your side!

Would you like to know what it is like to be accompanied by me?

Just come to one of the free Peace Yoga online meetings.



Grow, learn, enjoy

Places that are like heaven!

Invigorating and inspiring yoga sessions,

subtle meditations and the nondual philosophy of yoga serve to nourish your body, mind and soul in the most beautiful way.

Every journey leads to expanding your awareness of your true self.

Self & Calm Podcast
The podcast about consciousness and spirituality

Here you can find the topic blocks:

#Spiritual Intelligence #Spiritual Paths and

#Consciousness is everything


Let yourself be taken into the diversity of #yoga #consciousnesswork #developmentprocesses and #spirituality.

face-to-face courses

yoga on site

All Self & Calm lessons are also offered hybrid if you are unable to attend live lessons.


What do participants say?

About courses, retreats, meditations and podcast


Sabine Wolfrum


Inspiring lightness. Deep, sensitive, joyful yoga practice with inspiring lightness! Every “hour” is a unique, wonderful experience! A real treat!


Siggi Michalski

electrical engineer

It's a refreshment for the brain and body every time. There's nothing better!


Karina Labusga

chemical engineer

Inspiring impulses, little treasures With Kathrin I met a mentor who lives from the heart and explains tantric philosophy to us in a wonderfully clear, precise and well-formulated way. I collect her courses, meditations and podcasts like little treasures that give me reflective and inspiring impulses for my world. Her yoga classes provide beneficial grounding, strength and harmony.

Ulli Koebe-corr_edited.jpg

Ulli Koebe


High level of competence, sensitive manner. I was able to do yoga twice for 1.5 hours each with yoga teacher Kathrin Rottmann in a wonderful, light-filled yoga room in the Tratterhof in Meransen in the Pustertal. High level of competence in the subject and a sensitive and attentive manner are key components of her personality. Feeling good and energized afterwards was such a wonderful result. I can definitely recommend Ms Rottmann. I would love to come back.

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