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Yoga in South Tyrol

Sun, Oct 25



Yoga in one of the most beautiful hotels in South Tyrol Yoga package 350.00 € Room booking and travel at your own expense. Hotel prices for information from: 592.00 € per person For further details about the trip, see the flyer

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Yoga in South Tyrol
Yoga in South Tyrol

Zeit & Ort

Oct 25, 2020, 12:00 PM – Oct 30, 2020, 12:00 PM

Tratterhof, Kegelbergstraße 7a, Weitental, 39030 Vintl BZ, Italy

Über die Veranstaltung

In addition to a newly built yoga loft on the roof of the wellness area, excellent food, luxurious rooms and the exceptional wellness landscape, the Tratterhof offers plenty of atmosphere for relaxation.

For all further details see flyer.

The rooms are booked by the participants themselves and directly at the hotel.

Bookings at:

When booking at the hotel please specify: "Kathrin Rottmann's contingent"

Large apartment for 4 people (2 bedrooms - 1 living room) 592,00 € pP

Double room 592.00 € per person

Single room 684.00 € per person

Diese Veranstaltung teilen

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