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Neurogenic tremor

People who practice TRE
Kathrin Rottmann a TRE exercise

Anmeldung zum nächsten TRE ® Termin. 
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Beitrag: 20 €

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What is TRE ®

An astonishingly effective method

  • TRE® (Trauma Release Exercises) is a fast-acting method for self-regulation of stress.

  • Simple physical exercises : Light exercises activate a natural trembling or vibration of the muscles to release tension.

  • Natural self-healing : Supports body and psyche in regaining balance.

  • Easy to learn : TRE® is easy for anyone to learn and practice.

What does unrelieved stress do to us?

Stress belastet unseren Körper und verursacht:

  • muskulären Verspannungen,  im Rücken-, Bauch- oder Kopfschmerzen ​

  • innerer Unruhe, Nervosität

  • Gereiztheit, Aggressivität

  • Schlafstörungen, Zähneknirschen

Activate self-healing powers, shake off stress

Simply shake off stress

  • TRE® helps activate the body’s natural mechanism to release stored tension accumulated through stress.

Body therapist Dr. David Berceli developed TRE® to activate the body's genetically-based self-healing powers. These exercises stimulate the muscles to initiate a healing tremor that releases deep-seated tensions for the long term.

Would you like to know more or book individual appointments?

Feel free to contact me.

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